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coaches, managers & volunteer resources


1 / Coaches & Managers Registration & DRIBL Match Day Instruction Manual

All Coaches / Managers / Volunteers must register for each role, even if executing multiple roles. The registration process is to be via DRIBL like when registering to play, however at no cost. You can use the following link - Dribl Registrations


Coaches & Managers Handbook

Coaches & Managers of age groups 8+ years, please ensure you read the Coaches & Managers Handbook which includes the DRIBL Match Day Instruction Manual.


Click here to download our Coaches & Managers Handbook & DRIBL Match Day Instruction manual.


2 / Working with Children Check (WWCC)

All Coaches, Managers and Volunteers MUST have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) issued by the NSW Government Office of the Children’s Guardian. The check is required regardless of whether a volunteer is a parent or close relative of a child participating in the team.


These are issued at no cost to Volunteers engaging in child-related work and can be linked with other licenses and certifications issued via Service NSW.


More information and how to Apply for your WWCC can be found via the following link:


Apply for a Working with Children Check | Service NSW


Your WWCC number will be requested during the registration process. Please contact the club Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) for any further queries or concerns.

3 / Coaching Accreditations

For information about coaching courses click "Coaching Courses"


As a minimum, all coaches must have completed the coaching course relevant to the team they are coaching. The Club will support any further coach development any individuals may request via additional courses or resources available. All queries should be made to the committee via the Club Coach Co-Ordinator (CCC).


The minimum requirements for the age Groups;


Age Group Course / Certificate


5 - 9 yrs

Miniroos Grassroots Football Certificate – Discovery Phase


9 - 13 yrs

Skill Training Certificate – Skill Acquisition Phase


13 - 17 yrs

Game Training Certificate – Game Training Phase


17+ yrs

Senior Coaching Certificate – Performance Phase (Optional for Senior Team Coaches)


The link to available courses can be found here:


For all other courses:

Click on link below to find and register for a coaching course or other coaching related events

Football Canterbury Events


Find a Course | Play Football




The Club is a family-oriented club that is run by volunteers committed to providing inclusion and participation of the entire community. The Club has an appointed Club Coach Co-Ordinator to support all coaches and managers on their coaching journey from novices to those more experienced and formally qualified.  The aim is to ensure the experience of all members is positive and fun whilst also providing the best possible environment to foster a love of football to ensure lifelong participation in the beautiful world game or emergence of future Socceroos and Matilda’s. The Club imposes that all coaches are accredited in alignment with the proposed age group they are coaching. The Club supports such accreditation of its volunteer coaches by reimbursing the cost of the minimum requirement courses facilitated by Football NSW and CDSFA.

4 / Supportive Parents Initiative

At Cantebury Lions Football Club, we incorporate the Supportive Parents Initiative created by the CDSFA in an effort to ensure a better footballing experience for all players, and in particular our juniors.​


To find out more, you can download a copy of the support parents initiative below;


Download - Supportive Parents Initiative PDF

5 / Grassroots Coaching Resources

The Football Federation of Australia has developed very useful tool for coaches (parents) working in Grassroots Football. It respects the needs and requirements of young players finding their way into the game of football. Under consideration of the psychological background of youngsters, comprehensive recommendations for efficient training are offered. Also, adults with little or no experience in coaching will understand what training at this early stage of development is all about. Consequently both parties will be beneficiaries, the players and the adults involved.


Of all the age-groups playing football, it is the young that are the most important. These players are the foundation of the whole of football; without young players, football has no future. At Canterbury Lions Football Club, we are dedicated to the development of Australia’s young players and encourage all of our coaches to read and apply the knowledge from this resource in the teams.


Please feel free to download a copy of the Coaching Grassroots Football Resource below;


Download - Coaching Grassroots Football

General Information

6 / Club Policies

7 / Club Forms

Incident Report Form

Registration Refund Form


8 / Safeguarding

9 / Fire Evacuation maps for fields

Croydon Park Map

Lees Park Map



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